Dermatology Services

Reducing discomfort in the skin and preventing dermatological conditions.

Cats, dogs, and other pets should have a skincare routine just like us humans. As their outermost layer, the skin protects their internal organs and systems from harm. Regular grooming can definitely improve your pet's skin, but when problems arise our team can find a solution.

What are signs of skin allergies/conditions?

Symptoms can hide under your pet's fur, behind their ears, and even between their paws. This is why it is important to conduct a thorough check of those areas. Here are some other symptoms you can look for:

  1. Biting their skin
  2. Bumps or blisters
  3. Puss around their nails
  4. Scratching excessively
  5. Swollen paws
  6. Red or inflamed skin
  7. Abnormal body odour
  8. Hair loss or bald patches

Schedule an appointment for your pet at 403-932-5875. Our team will run the necessary tests and provide immediate treatment.

What types of skin conditions do cats and dogs develop?

There are many potential irritants in the environment that can cause dermatological issues in pets. Cats and dogs can develop skin conditions due to yeast infections, grass, dust mites, pollen, parasites and certain foods. Some common skin conditions we see in cats and dogs are:

  • Acne
  • Alopecia
  • Dermatitis
  • Impetigo
  • Parasitic infections

What treatments are available for skin problems in cats and dogs?

The treatment option will vary according to the patient. Our veterinarians will perform a physical examination and diagnostic test to determine a suitable treatment. Your cat or dog may be prescribed topical creams, oral medications, shampoos, and laser therapy. Please do not attempt to follow DIY treatments, as they can cause more problems for your pet.

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